Release Trailer

October 26th, 2011 by Dman757 Well folks it feels like a great burden off my shoulders to finally announce our planned release date. Rather than write a long speech I'll just let this video do the talking:

"No More Room in Hell" is/will-be a free to play HalfLife 2 mod. It's a multiplayer, 8 player co-op survival horror game with a focus on semi-realism. It was inspired by the "Of The Dead" zombie franchise which is were it gets its namesake.

Help spread the word and upvote!

Now as for the story contest winner, which if the video above is enough of an indication of why we've been busy lately. We will make a larger post on this in the coming days where we will feature some of the runner ups so hold tight.
Oh and in case you are wondering the winner is: Bluehawk (CONGRATULATIONS!)

You can view his entry at this temporary location.

No More Room in Hell Team